Thursday, 30 April 2020

Learning during Lockdown: An IBM Digital Credential Case Study

On the frontlines of IBM’s training and education programs, we have seen and experienced many milestones influenced directly by our organization’s digital credentialing strategy. Learner engagement has improved by a significant margin, digital course completion rates have increased exponentially, and skills coverage insights are dramatically improved. These outcomes...

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Making data smarter

What makes artificial intelligence (AI)-driven applications smarter? High-quality, high-volume data. Now, IBM Storage is integrating file and object data with IBM AI solutions to make data smarter. Enterprises looking to leverage the power of AI are learning that the accuracy and consistency–among other qualities–of the data fed into...

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Your data’s been prepared: Now train the AI model

I recently wrote about how important data preparation is in the lifecycle of an AI project. Providing good data to an AI model is key to making it thrive. However, training it also plays an important role and can impose a few challenges. An AI model learns by...

Monday, 27 April 2020

Fueling the next-generation of supply chains

In today’s global marketplace, businesses can win or lose on the strength of their supply chain. To deliver market-leading agility, supply chain leaders have spent years digitizing processes, optimizing workflows, and introducing analytics to better understand past events so they can take more informed actions in the future....

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Can AI transform the supply chain?

Chief Supply Chain Officers (CSCOs) and their organizations often struggle to optimize decision making and manage disruptions because they lack end-to-end visibility. More than 75 percent of CSCOs and supply chain leaders report that they have “very limited” supply chain visibility — and 65 percent say they have...

Saturday, 25 April 2020

The COVID-19 crisis reinforces the need for these supply chain methods

Anyone who has worked in supply chain management for a while knows that disruptions are inevitable. Unlike previous disruptions, the COVID-19 pandemic is less localized and the long-term impact on individual companies and entire industries is still unknown. It does, though, serve as the latest reminder of the...

Friday, 24 April 2020

Five key things to know about IBM Systems Lab Services

If your business is looking for infrastructure services, you’ve come to the right place to learn. IBM Systems Lab Services is helping organizations around the world deploy the building blocks of next-generation IT infrastructure — from servers and mainframes to storage systems and software. Through short consulting engagements,...

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Are we running to the cloud hills too quickly?

From time to time, we invite industry thought leaders to share their opinions and insights on current technology trends to the IBM Systems IT Infrastructure blog. The opinions in these posts are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of IBM. With billions gained by cloud...

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Infrastructure for AI: Why storage matters

Perhaps your organization has recently decided to purchase compute nodes and get started with artificial intelligence (AI). There are many aspects of your IT infrastructure and technology landscape to scrutinize as you prepare for AI workloads — including, and perhaps especially, your storage systems. AI is driven by...

Monday, 20 April 2020

Small business inventory management

The world has changed. People have changed. Demands are evolving. COVID-19 unexpectedly shook the global marketplace and as a result, created a domino effect of challenges for business leaders and consumers alike. Among them? Inventory management. For small and mid-size businesses in particular, the management of dispersed inventory...

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Ways IBM Cognos Controller Developer (C2020-605) Certification Can Make You More Successful

The IBM Cognos Controller Developer (C2020-605) Certification Program places an industry-standard benchmark and validation of technical support for professionals working with IBM Cognos technology. The program provides a way for professionals to show their expertise in an active marketplace, allowing businesses to leverage their IBM Cognos business intelligence...

Friday, 17 April 2020

Communication skills for business leadership and success

Communication skills are an important factor in business decisions and a driver of successful business outcomes. It’s not surprising, then, that good communication often tops the list of skills employers look for, no matter the job or industry. How well you communicate affects everything, from small interactions with...

Thursday, 16 April 2020

IBM Z deepens data privacy capabilities with new air-cooled models and IBM Secure Execution for Linux

In September 2019, IBM announced IBM z15™, delivering industry-first data privacy capabilities with the ability to manage the privacy of customer data across hybrid multicloud environments and to scale from one to four frames. For our clients on their journeys to cloud, IBM z15™ and IBM LinuxONE III...

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Innovation and synergy with IBM Storage for IBM Z and LinuxONE

In September 2019, IBM announced the IBM z15TM, designed to deliver strong enterprise capabilities with the ability to manage the privacy of customer data across hybrid multicloud environments and to scale from one to four frames. This week, IBM is once again pushing the envelope with the announcement...

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