Tuesday, 27 April 2021

It is time for serverless computing on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE

If you have been around the software industry long enough, you have seen architectural changes and new computing paradigms from time to time. From monolithic to client-server architectures, and from web applications to containerized cloud-native applications, we see a constant evolution with more software available thanks to the...

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Daily chats with AI could help spot early signs of Alzheimer’s

There’s no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. But the earlier it’s diagnosed, the more chances there are to delay its progression.Our joint team of researchers from IBM and University of Tsukuba has developed an AI model that could help detect the onset of the mild cognitive impairment (MCI), the...

Thursday, 22 April 2021

5 ways modern B2B infrastructure fuels efficiencies in the energy and utilities sector

A significant portion of the population is now working from home. That trend will likely continue, as 83% of companies surveyed expect hybrid workplaces to become the norm. When power outages occur due to extreme hot or cold weather as recently experienced in the U.S., shortages of water,...

Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Why B2B organizations need an advanced order and inventory management solution

Many B2B companies, including those in automotive, electronics, and manufacturing, are at a crossroads with their sales and inventory management processes. Historically, they’ve been reliant on legacy or ERP systems – tools that were designed for predictable, back office business processes. As B2B commerce becomes more digital, these...

Saturday, 17 April 2021

IBM researchers investigate ways to help reduce bias in healthcare AI

Artificial intelligence keeps inching its way into more and more aspects of our life, greatly benefitting the world. But it can come with some strings attached, such as bias.AI algorithms can both reflect and propagate bias, causing unintended harm. Especially in a field such as in healthcare.Also Read: C2090-556:...

Thursday, 15 April 2021

New open source tool automates compliance

Chief Information Security Officers are hounded by two questions:Is my company’s technology compliant?And:Are all of the cloud products and services our company uses compliant?Compliance continues to be a major issue inhibiting cloud adoption across enterprises, especially those working in highly regulated areas such as government, finance or healthcare....

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

4 challenges impacting the healthcare supply chain

COVID-19 has highlighted structural weaknesses in the healthcare system and, most notably, a persistent issue with the capacity and resilience of healthcare supply chains. Between 59-83% of organizations have reported delays or increased lead times in acquiring supplies since the onset of the pandemic. In response, 81 percent...

Sunday, 11 April 2021

How microbiome analysis could transform food safety

“Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.”It was back in 1826 that Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, French lawyer and politician, used this phrase in his book The Physiology of Taste. Fast forward to today, and ‘we are what we eat’ is still used...

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Hybrid cloud strategy requires on premises consideration

Cloud computing continues to grab all the headlines, but on-premises IT infrastructure remains vitally important and will continue to be well into the future. Even as they move workload to the cloud, most organizations plan to increase investments in their on-premises computing infrastructure.Although these assertions have long been...

Friday, 9 April 2021

Empowering a new generation of IBM Z developers

Every day, billions of transactions occur online. Many of them are processed by a mainframe. The mainframe has proven to be an integral part of the world’s economy, enabling global financial, medical and retail institutions to drive their businesses forward. And the platform continues to evolve with open...

Thursday, 8 April 2021


IBM RXN for Chemistry: Unveiling the grammar of the organic chemistry language

Talk to any organic chemist, and they will tell you that learning organic chemistry is like learning a new language, with grammar similar to a myriad of chemical reaction rules. And it’s is also about intuition and perception, much like acquiring a language as a child.In our paper...

Tuesday, 6 April 2021

IBM Quantum systems accelerate discoveries in science

Today, computation is central to the way we carry out the scientific method. High-performance computing resources help researchers generate hypotheses, find patterns in large datasets, perform statistical analyses, and even run experiments faster than ever before. Logically, access to a completely different computational paradigm — one with the...

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