Sunday, 22 March 2020

IBM Is Named a Leader in IDC’s Newest Commerce MarketScape

IBM Tutorial and Materials, IBM Learning, IBM Certifications, IBM Exam Prep

We are not going away, we are going strong!

There is a lot of concern in the market, much of it manufactured by our competitors, about the long-term viability of WebSphere Commerce. We, of course, have never doubted our path forward and with the help of our customers we are continuing to enhance the platform and position our clients for success in the future, whatever that future may look like. We have built a modern, flexible and agile platform that makes it easy to manage the commerce experience and adapt it to new technologies and market demands, without sacrificing customer experience, security or reliability.

In acknowledgement of this continued focus on our customers, we are excited to share that IBM has been named a leader in IDC’s Marketscape: WorldWide Retail Commerce Platform Providers 2018.

IBM Tutorial and Materials, IBM Learning, IBM Certifications, IBM Exam Prep

IBM was recognized as a leader for:

◉ Delivering a very broad and deep portfolio of capabilities for retail commerce platform services, and actively working on its expansion and innovation

◉ Rich partner ecosystem with 60 global partners validated as ready for IBM Commerce, IBM’s third-party business partners have built integrations from their solutions into IBM’s commerce platform.

Speaking of our rich partner ecosystem, we have a few great examples of partners who have seen the power of IBM’s flexible, agile platform to create amazing experiences.

Zobrist Consulting Group was able to create a modern storefront that delivers a fantastic customer experience while making it fast and easy for any retailer to set up a powerful and engaging site.

“I applaud IBM’s work to rearchitect the Commerce platform for the cloud and its investment in providing microservices for all of its commerce capabilities. This is a bold and daring move, but this innovation will propel retailers into the future where commerce is everywhere, frictionless and smart.” said Teresa Zobrist, CEO of Zobrist Consulting Group. “We saw the opportunity with IBM microservices and built a next-generation SPA (Single Page Application)  storefront, Mobiecom. It is blazing fast and validated for V7, V8, V9 and Digital Commerce! Customers can use Mobiecom as a starter store for any version of their choice.” suggested Zobrist.

Wunderman Thompson Commerce partnered with IBM for commerce technology solutions that have an API-first approach for the flexibility to create custom experiences, with the reliability of a tried and tested leader in the commerce space.

“IBM has long been a proponent of customer-first solutions so leading organizations can build engaging, differentiated experiences that express their brand.” Said Patrick Munden, Chief Growth Officer, Wunderman Thompson Commerce. “By leveraging the flexible, API-first commerce platform we’ve been able to create unique experiences for our clients so we’re very excited about V9’s modern architecture.”
Norisa Paul

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