Saturday 15 January 2022

5 trends contributing to embracing a high-performance, eyes-on-the-prize business in 2022

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We’re all on a long road together, trying to follow a map to growth and success, right?

It’s hard to imagine any business that isn’t oriented that way. Problem is, we all experience a lot of the same disruptions—all the ups and downs we go through each year, whatever those may be. And some years are a lot better or worse than others, wouldn’t you agree?

Right now, most businesses are dealing with things like global inflation, supply chain disruption and a lack of access to people with the right skills necessary to get the job done the right way. Given these challenges, what are the things that make people shiver in their boots when in actuality, there are opportunities to tie those boots tighter and keep marching ahead on the path to success.

These five big trends may just be the game-changers you’ve been looking for to become a more high-performing, eyes-on-the-prize type of business:

1. Digital transformation is the new normal – Change and innovation is the name of the game. Get used to it or get left behind. Digital initiatives and innovation must be a top priority and paired with agility and flexibility to give your business the resilience it needs to survive in any scenario.

2. Your people deserve more appreciation – You hear about this “Great Resignation” going on? Millions of people in the United States alone are quitting their jobs for different reasons and this is becoming a global workforce issue. So those people you’ve got, value them, provide them with ways to grow and appreciate their loyalty and effort.

3. Sustainability and transparency are big deals – Being good for the environment and demonstrating integrity about those efforts are increasingly important for customers. Companies must practice what they preach, make an effort to convince their audience that they sincere, and not just aspirational.

4. Your tech stack is critical for your operations – You can’t just patch together a bunch of different tech solutions and expect it to get the job done. You’ve got to think big and holistically about how tech is going to affect your workflows and operational efficiencies.

5. Security must be everywhere – The more companies go to the cloud, the more their data can be exposed. Nobody wants yet another data breach. Security practices need to be built-in and constantly evolving if you want to keep any sort of trust from your customer base.

You’ve got these trends in context. Now what are you going to do about it all? Here are a few recommendations:

◉ Know where you’re going. If there’s no target to aim at, you’re not going to hit anything. Figure out what your business really values, put your people first and figure out the strategy that will get you there.

◉ Upgrade your efforts. Don’t think your old infrastructure and software solutions are going to cut it. Provide training for your people, get security baked into everything you do and figure out how to unify your cloud management solutions.

◉ Don’t give up! There is a 100% guarantee that you’ll never get your business where you dream it being if you stop building, stop taking that next step and stop investing. Prepare through innovation and embrace transformation.

How do these 2022 trends make you feel? Excited? Nervous? More ready than ever to tackle the next big challenge? Let’s talk about your cloud strategy and how these factors might impact where you go next.


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